This double-blind competition will be based on a 25-point scale and we will judge beverages (fairly) by categories. We are now assembling a prestigious panel of 30 of America’s most respected veteran entrepreneurs, industry leaders and influencers to participate in the largest semi-professional spirits competition in the Central Texas Region. We aim to judge based on the highest standards and build a reputation that rivals current competitions that are held in California, New York as well as London. We are the most cost effective International Beverage Competition on the planet! Judges will cast their votes for the best entries in as many as 800 different categories of alcoholic beverages. They will award challenge coin medals for first (GOLD), second (SILVER) and third (BRONZE) place for each qualifying category, Best of Show and Heroes Choice. Double-Gold medals are also granted for highest scored in a category. Special select awards will be given by popular judge consensus based on taste, packaging and marketing campaign such as Soldier’s Choice Award, Marine’s Choice Award, Sailor’s Choice Award and Airman’s Choice Award.